Location Deatils
Patnagarh is located on 18'-9" and 21'-11" north latitudes and 82'-41" and 84'-16" last longitudes . The Patnagarh town has the temple of Kosaleswar Mahadev, Samaleswari and Patneswari. The temple Patneswari contains some interesting sculpture. A high plat-form with a flight of slips said to be the throne of old rulers of estate is found near the temple. The town was once the capital of Bolangir rapidly lost its importance after shifting of the head quarter in 1872.
The N.A.C. office is functioning in its own building. The present building has been renovated recently under TFC (Non-residential building).
Office Building
The Patnagarh Notified Area Council has adequate accommodation . The Office is functioning in its own building. A garden exists in the north side of the premises.
The Geographical area of this N.A.C. is 18,26 Sq.kms. The population of the N.A.C. is 21,024 (Male: 9533 and Female: 9152) as based on 2011 census.
- According to 1951 Census ------5900
- According to 1961 Census ------7592
- According to 1971 Census ------10,085
- According to 1981 Census ------13,578
- According to 1991 Census ------16,246
- According to 2001 Census ------18,658
- According to 2011 Census ------21,024
Thana Deatils
- Kaudia Thana No.-60
- Ulba Thana No.-94
- Kusumkani Thana No.-95
- Tendapadar Thana No.-96
- Batharla Thana No.-42
- Maruan Thana No.-35
- Ganjaudar Thana No.-34
- Banaimunda Thana No.-33
- Apursagar Thana No.-63
- Barpadar Thana No.-62
- Samalaisar Thana No.-41
- Gangasagar Thana No.-54
- Behera Bandha Thana No.-56
- Bhaludarha Thana No.-97
- Chitadunguri Thana No.-57